Just lack of muse!!
Unlike my other weblog, here I shall chronicle pellmell about various incidents of my life, relatives, friends or whatever that touch me along the way. The purpose is to look back on bygone days through these pages and just reflect in solitude. In summary, the bywords of this weblog are `I', `Me', `myself', `mine'. Occasionally I may document the dullest events of the century to bore you to death...
In most of his poems, PREM (or love) is manifested with much subtlety either in a spiritual or in a platonic way. I don't remember any other poem by Tagore where his PREM broke the barriers of spirituality or the platonic threshold and craved for physical closeness inasmuch as the one written below. The verses are addressed to his shokhi (note that this is not the usual shokha like in many other poems where Tagore referred to his beloved bidhata by that). However, the song is delightful, both to your heart and ears. Do not forget to listen to it once again.